Collection: Ka-cho-mon Chohan-kin(Brocade with Design of Flower and Wild Boar in Vertical Stripe)

The animal patterns seen in the excavated artifacts of Scythians, nomadic equestrian tribes once thriving in the steppes of the Central Asia and South Russia in the 8th century BC to the 3 rd century BC, are unparalleled in the world for their powerful boldness and uniqueness which make tho se art objects still fascinating to us. This brocade, which is composed of Scythian prostrate wild boar and floral-plant patterns in vertical stripe, is executed with a warp-patterned weaving technique.
  • Vase Mat (S) (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Key Holder (L) (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Ko-bukusa Cloth (Tea-things) (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Table Runner (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Small Pouch (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Book Cover (Ka-cho-mon Chohan-kin)
  • Card Container (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Dashi-fukusa Cloth (Tea-things) (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Name Card Container (with leather lining) (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Tie (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Wallet (kachomontyouhankin)
  • Name Card Container (kachomontyouhankin)